Category: Agile Development

Jun 14, 2024

Project Management Application Development: A Detailed Guide

Introduction Most of the businesses today, especially those with distributed workforces, a to-do list just is not enough. You employees might be sending their tasks on emails, mentioning them on notepad or word pad. Is this an efficient way? A 2020 report from Wellington shows that 54% of organizations lack access to real-time KPIs for

Jan 08, 2024

Creating User-Centric Apps that drives Business Success

How Infin Mobile Solutions Creates User-Centric Apps That Drive Business Results. In today’s crowded app marketplace, standing out is critical. But here’s the harsh reality: according to (Statista), the average user abandons an app after just 23 days of installation! This means you have a narrow window to captivate users and keep them coming back